Hi. We had to split a release after the job was serialized because 1 needed to go to a different ship-to. I unassigned the serial number that was split off to a new release. At that point Epicor deleted it. I had thought I could manually create the serial number and then I’d see it in the list to select when I went to Serial Number Attachment for the new job associated with the new release. It does not show up. I have tried several things but I can’t seem to get that serial number to show up to “assign” to the job. Do I actually need to do that or can I just put the job number on the Serial number and that will suffice?
I think you need to update the serial number status in Serial Number Maintenance. I think WIP is what you’re looking for. Or look at the others already assigned, see what their status is and set it the same. Needless to say Epicor warns that changing the status on the serial numbers is not recommended so I would test this in Pilot first.
I did try different statuses - including the WIP one. I also tried to copy the behavior of a different one… what I ran into was that I noticed we were using a serial mask and when I manually created the serial number, I did not fill in anything for the mask and it will not let me edit that after the serial number is created… nor would it let me delete it. So I’m kind of stuck with it. The good news is that even though I couldn’t assign it to the job, I was able to manually specify the job at the SN maintenance and that allowed the shop floor to complete the operation and use that serial number. So I think we’re OK. I don’t know what “assigning” the serial number to the job accomplishes, but we seemed to be able to circumvent that. I’ll fill in the blanks if it causes any abnormalities further downstream.