Materialized Value Null


In the Purchase Advisor in Epicor 10.2.300.14, below error is popping out, when a part is selected. This part has been purchased many times before, but when I click on ‘Have I purchase…’ no record is displayed. May I know if anyone have faced the similar issue? I checked if this issue has been answered before in EpicHelp, specifically related to this error message.

I once had this issue and I had to Re-Run the Process that Rebuilds Purchase Suggestions. I had a bad record in the List.

did you notice the cause of the error when you Rebuild the Purchase suggestion?

I cant remember but i have seen it when the Scheduled, Suggested Date or some other value failed to populate by the process, mrp crashed or scheduling failed, bad production calendar, bad setup…

Only mine occured in the Search Window.

Run a BAQ against Erp.SugPODtl maybe you see something bad.

I wonder if you PO Process Broke in < .13 and now you are on .14 seeing it broken for the first time

Epicor did have a bug in 10.2.300 early versions. Re-Run Generate Suggestions see if it resolves.

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Another source for this message (I found today) is if you do any drop shipping and you do not put a receipt date in on your drop ship entry. We are waiting on a freight charge in order to finish processing.