Max and Min Lot Sizes

We use Min and Multi order qty (not Max) for Purch and Fab type, stocked parts (MRP and PO suggestions enabled) and they have the same impact on both types.

On Wed Dec 29th, 2010 12:13 PM EST cooner_55421 wrote:

>As far as I know - the lot settings only effect manufacturing - jobs.
>I have quite a few parts set up with these.
>But... indirectly it does effect PO suggestions since they can be generated from job demand so...
>Not sure how whole unit might effect these.
>It sounds "interesting".
>If it were me, I'd run a few through MRP on a test system.
Good morning all.

Do "Max Lot Size" and "Min Lot Size" apply for Purchasing planning, too? I read in the Help Files that these are a "Manufacturing" planning tool.

We purchase some paint by the Kit but stock and consume by the GAL (1 Kit = 4 Gallons). Unchecking the "Whole Unit" box will have Vantage calculate actual demand (adding partial gallons), but I am not sure how will my purchasing suggestions come out.... if it -for instance- will suggest to purchase 5.25 Kits or 6 Kits for demand of 21 gallons?

Thanks all and have a great New Year!!

Roel Martinez.

I think I will do that this weekend when there is no Activity.... I'll let you guys know.


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax: 817-852-1705
From: [] On Behalf Of cooner_55421
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 11:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Max and Min Lot Sizes

As far as I know - the lot settings only effect manufacturing - jobs.
I have quite a few parts set up with these.

But... indirectly it does effect PO suggestions since they can be generated from job demand so...
Not sure how whole unit might effect these.
It sounds "interesting".
If it were me, I'd run a few through MRP on a test system.

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