MES access Blank Title 98494

Clocking out a user with an active session can not be accomplished through a regular Vantage interface, only through MES or Admin Tools. With Vantage 6, you were able to do so but since Vantage 8, they took away that functionality. The office data collection on V8+ can only log the current user in and out and can not be used to end activity for other employees. As part of our V8 upgrade, we had to purchase an extra MES license for this purpose. I'm sure this was the intent of removing the functionality.

But the real solution to this problem is not a technical one. Make sure there are consequences for errors clocking in and out and it will take care of itself (one way or another). We charge 1/2 an attendance "point" for failure to clock in or out properly, same as arriving late or leaving early. Hope that helps.

Chris Clunn

--- In, "David G" <dave.glazewski@...> wrote:
> We have a person that goes through and clocks out employees that for what ever reason are still clocked in even though they shouldn't be.
> To do this the person has the MES icon on their desktop and logs into the MES portion of Vantage. Since this ties up a MES license I was wondering if there is a way to do this in the main Epicor screen? Looked around in Data Collection menu that is under material Management but didn't see anything. Find it hard that someone could not accomplish this under the main Epicor screen and not have to clock into the MES function.
We have a person that goes through and clocks out employees that for what ever reason are still clocked in even though they shouldn't be.
To do this the person has the MES icon on their desktop and logs into the MES portion of Vantage. Since this ties up a MES license I was wondering if there is a way to do this in the main Epicor screen? Looked around in Data Collection menu that is under material Management but didn't see anything. Find it hard that someone could not accomplish this under the main Epicor screen and not have to clock into the MES function.
You can kill their logon (license)Â from the server using the Vantage Admin Tools
/ Maintain Sessions. For MES you have to select the MES Menu in the upper
righthand corner.

From: David G <dave.glazewski@...>
Sent: Wed, March 9, 2011 1:58:17 PM
Subject: [Vantage] MES access

We have a person that goes through and clocks out employees that for what ever
reason are still clocked in even though they shouldn't be.

To do this the person has the MES icon on their desktop and logs into the MES
portion of Vantage. Since this ties up a MES license I was wondering if there is
a way to do this in the main Epicor screen? Looked around in Data Collection
menu that is under material Management but didn't see anything. Find it hard
that someone could not accomplish this under the main Epicor screen and not have
to clock into the MES function.

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