Message: "Invoice line amount cannot be out of balance with G/L distribution total" when Post AP Invoice

when I do Post AP Invoice I get this message:
Invoice line amount cannot be out of balance with G/L distribution total

Thank you have a good day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Looks like customized screen, check whether you get similar error in base version (disable all related BPMs before testing it)

No, this is not caused by any BMP, but because the system exists 2 data lines in the table [Erp].[EntityGLC] due to an error when deleting APInvoice

I figured it out, thanks a lot

HI @thanvanhai

I have the same problem, can you give me information how to solve it?


You need to ensure that for each Line, the GL Analysis Tab is populated and the total of it adds up to the line total.

you query the SQL table [Erp].[EntityGLC] to find if APInvoice’s InvoiceNum exists, then delete it.

select * from [Erp].[EntityGLC] where RelatedToFile='APInvHed'

good luck!

I had the same error in my System.
The Support tech instructed me to follow this article: [KB0115336 - Cancelling a Review Journal ]
This solved my problem.

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