Mfgsys file attachment to an email

Previously I have been able to generate emails from BPMs and attach a mfgsys file to the specific record to help users open up the correct information. I am now attempting to do this for a UD table the default XML is:

<RecordIDS KeyFields="Key1" KeyFieldsType="System.String" TableName="UD101List" DataSourceType="UD101ListDataSet">

The records in the table are unique on Key1 and Key2. If I just populate Key1 it returns all records for the record mentioned in the Tags.

I have used the BL tester and a simple Where clause on the GetList works, but I am not sure it is actually using the same approach to load the form.

I have tried several different concatenations of the KeyFields item to get it to work. I have searched all known locations for information on building the correct string with no luck.

So before I go cap in hand to Epicor for some information,has anyone run into this issue and if so how did you get around it. I’d rather not have to alter my forms and BPMs to accommodate this if I can help it.

So ok I must not have looked hard enough.

This link here pointed me in the right direction to use the sysrowid instead.

Although. I’d still love to know if you can use multiple fields in the RecordIDS tag, or if there is some more detailed documentation on this.

In the example in the link I had to change System.Guid to System.String.

For UD fields (or any tables which use multiple keys) you have to use the SysRowID. There is no way to push in the individual Keys without a customization and reading in the values from the LFO


Thanks Jose, thanks for the reply. In fear of sounding ignorant, but what is LFO?

LaunchFormOptions (that’s the object that is passed in to all the forms when they are invoked)
it usually contains a ValueIn property with the primary key (keys) of the form for auto loading.

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Thanks much appreciated for the clarification there.

Anyway it is all working now, which is good.