Epicor Support has gotten to the bottom of our missing customer issue. It
is VERY specific to data at our site but definitely possible to run into
elsewhere so I am FTPing a copy of our 4.0 database to them so they can
figure out where along the way to 5.20 it occured.
In case this might affect anyone else here is what happened:
1. When we started Vantage 2 years ago we entered Sales Region codes for the
customers we had then. Later we determined we did not have any use for
regions so new customers had no region code.
2. In the conversions (4.0 - 5.0 and 5.0 -5.1 and 5.1 - 5.20) somewhere it
moved our Sales Person code (now called Sales Force) into the Sales
Territory (new name for Sales Region) field - but ONLY if Sales Region was
not blank/unused. Thus only these older, original, customers were affected.
3. Because we have no territory codes equal to the sales person codes a link
can not be made in the browser and it "skips" those that had the sales
person loaded into the territory. This makes it impossible to see these.
When I created a territory (id=30) all the customers for Sales Person 30
became visible (and maintainable).
If you are converting from 4.0 to 5.20 and have sales region codes on
customers you might want to keep an eye out for this. In the mean time
Epicor will look at our 4.0 database, detemrine which conversion caused this
and fix it, plus possibly creating a conversion routine to fix all the sales
territory fields on all customers.
My thanks to support and development for tracking this down in time for us
to convert live this coming weekend.
-Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
is VERY specific to data at our site but definitely possible to run into
elsewhere so I am FTPing a copy of our 4.0 database to them so they can
figure out where along the way to 5.20 it occured.
In case this might affect anyone else here is what happened:
1. When we started Vantage 2 years ago we entered Sales Region codes for the
customers we had then. Later we determined we did not have any use for
regions so new customers had no region code.
2. In the conversions (4.0 - 5.0 and 5.0 -5.1 and 5.1 - 5.20) somewhere it
moved our Sales Person code (now called Sales Force) into the Sales
Territory (new name for Sales Region) field - but ONLY if Sales Region was
not blank/unused. Thus only these older, original, customers were affected.
3. Because we have no territory codes equal to the sales person codes a link
can not be made in the browser and it "skips" those that had the sales
person loaded into the territory. This makes it impossible to see these.
When I created a territory (id=30) all the customers for Sales Person 30
became visible (and maintainable).
If you are converting from 4.0 to 5.20 and have sales region codes on
customers you might want to keep an eye out for this. In the mean time
Epicor will look at our 4.0 database, detemrine which conversion caused this
and fix it, plus possibly creating a conversion routine to fix all the sales
territory fields on all customers.
My thanks to support and development for tracking this down in time for us
to convert live this coming weekend.
-Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]