Long ago I tried to modify the aging report and found that it does some fancy footwork to generate data in some temp tables and basically you can't modify it. Basically, start from scratch.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Michelle de la Vega <mdelavega@...> wrote:
> I have request to create an Aging report based on location. However, the standard data definition does not contain the ship to location in any way. I looked at modifying the data definition to include more tables but I keep getting an error that reads:
> "Relationship cannot be added when there are new user defined tables added to the report."
> However, I don't have any UD tables added to this report.
> Any thoughts?
> Michelle de la Vega
> Program Director
> Cold Jet, LLC
> 455 Wards Corner Road
> Loveland, Ohio 45140
> +1 513-716-6400 (office)
> +1 513-382-3281 (mobile)
> +1 513-831-1209 (fax)
> www.coldjet.com<http://www.coldjet.com>
> [cid:image001.jpg@...]
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