Based on the fact when entering operations for a part in the MOM you have to use the description of the operation instead of the actual operation, I am considering changing the description of the operation to start with the Operation Code. Example below
I used DMT to change the above listed OpDesc to show the OpCode first as a test. When I do this, the “Operation” field in the MOM changed, but the “Description” field in the MOM did not. See below. Is there another step that needs to be done or am I trying to do something that is more complicated to do?
When you first create a MOM/Job, the scheduling resources inherit the description from the Operation/Capability that was selected. After adding them, you can manually change them as they are independent fields. If you are trying to update Operation descriptions, they will not flow down to the scheduling resources. You will need to run a DMT to update those also.
If this is the problem you are trying to solve, then yes. Updating the description on the actual operation in Operation Maintenance here:
Will NOT retroactively update the description on the Bill of Operations on a part here (Method Tracker):
It will, however, update the description text you see in the Operation pulldown:
Initially it seemed like you didn’t want to have to include the operation description in your DMT template when you were creating/updating a parts bill of operations. I am not so sure you need to, which is why I was indicating our DMT templates we use to create/modify a parts BOO do not include the op description field at all.
I know sometimes in DMT, including certain optional fields will then make another otherwise optional field required, but I haven’t run into a situation where the description field was required.
How to update the description in our MOM (Method tracker)? I have checked in the technical field help,Description is PartOpr.OpDesc and operation is PartOpr.OpCode
but this is laborious task to update every MOM. We simply want to update the description of the operation, and it has updated in our MOM. Something that should be far easier to change.
Yes, it is. You could create a BPM that whenever the operation description gets updated, it updates the operation detail description. But that seems like hammering a nail to hang a picture with a sledgehammer. If you are using DMT, you can easily extract what you need with a BAQ, update the operation detail description cell to equal the operation description and then just update the operation description field.
For whatever reason, Epicor programmed the system to break the link after creation. Maybe someone thought it was better since you could then update each operation detail description to something else.
Either way, this makes me think of a quote I like: “What you deny or ignore, you delay. What you accept and face, you conquer.”.