Move Material Request - Inventory Not Being Moved/Taken When Request Processed

In the last week or two, I’ve been looking into utilizing the the “Move Inventory Request” and “Move Material Request” functions on our handheld menus to make the process of moving around stock in our warehouse easier to track. I’ve found that processing the “Move Inventory Request” will move the OnHandQty of stock as expected, but the “Move Material Request” doesn’t seem to do anything when processed. Since the “Move Material Request” is associated with a job record, I’ve tried various things with the job such as making sure that it’s released and has a demand link, but nothing seems to change the fact that the material isn’t being moved from the “From” location like it should be. Has anyone else utilized this function before and has an idea of what step in the process I’m missing?

you should be seeing the stock leaving inv and moving into wip for the job. If you view material transaction on job tracker, you dont see them?

what I cannot see from your question is whether the person is actually processing the request… for example, when a request is created, it puts an entry into the material queue to move X pieces of material from location Y to location Z… but if you manually move the inventory, without processing the queue, the material queue stays in the queue even though you moved the material with a regular inventory move.
I have seen times when people created dashboards or reports of all new queue entries, but never use the handheld to do the move… the material queue builds and builds 10000s of unprocessed requests, even though the inventory is in the right place.

When I process the “Move Material Request” it does create a WIP record, but there is no “Material Transaction” record being created or displayed on the Job Tracker for that designated job. The On Hand Qty for that part stays the same/unaffected in all of its current PartBin locations as well.

To process the requests, I’ve been going into the “Material Request Queue” and utilizing the “Process” button on the record I’m looking to update.