How are you currently managing this?
Aaron Continelli
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of
Robert Brown
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] MRP and Consignment Inventory
We have a similar condition (Euro vendors with Chicago whse's to cut down on
delivery time to us).
I haven't found a way yet to make that Chicago inventory visible to us (or
MRP) but very much would like to as we'd like to do much more of this with
other offshore vendors.
Any ideas out there?
Rob Brown
--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Aaron Continelli <
<> > wrote:
From: Aaron Continelli <
<> >
Subject: [Vantage] MRP and Consignment Inventory
To: <>
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:31 AM
I am trying to find out how other companies are handling Consignments. I
have a scenario that requires MRP to look at the Consignment locations
inventory and the primary warehouse's inventory for parts. The kicker is
that parts cannot be moved from the Consignment location back to the primary
warehouse. Once they are moved to the Consignment location they cannot be
moved back to the primary warehouse. The Consignment locations are in
Mexico while the main warehouse is in San Diego.
The scenario is that there are raw materials that are used in different
sub-assemblies. Some of the sub-assemblies are made in house while others
are made in a Sub-Contract operation. The company sends the raw materials
to the Sub-Contractor and needs to manage the material as Consignment. They
over send what is needed on the job as to avoided breaking up boxes (working
with small parts such as resistors and capacitors). When MRP is run they
need MRP to look at what they have in the Consignment warehouse for the
material that is needed for the sub-contractor operations only. If the
material is used on other assemblies, not Sub-Contract operations, then MRP
only needs to look at what is in the Primary Warehouse.
I am also interested in how people are setting up Consignments. My initial
thought was to set up a Consignment Warehouse and then list each Supplier as
a Bin location within the warehouse.
If any further information is needed please contact me.
Aaron Continelli
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