When MRP runs and creates Job Suggestions based off of Demand, should it be using the in-house PartNum (OrderDtl.PartNum) or the Customer Part Num (OrderDtl.XPartNum) for job creation?
I ask because it seems that for one of our facilities it is using the XPartNum, which is what we want. But at one of our other facilities it is using PartNum. I’ve poked around in Site Configuration and Site Maintenance and haven’t found anything that stands out as a setting for this. I don’t know if I am looking in the right area or if I should be poking around elsewhere.
I initially went to looking at the Site Config because it looked site dependent. But, it may be Customer dependent…this customer is only handled at this one facility.
I know in the Customer Part Cross Reference screen, there is a setting that the system uses when determining how to show it on reports (specific to each customer). Does that also maybe apply in this case? I’m not sure. Just thinking out loud.
I was thinking the same thing. I always thought it was solely for how you wanted them to display on Quotes/order Acks, etc… but perhaps it plays into MRP?
This is an older job for the same customer. It was from a different plant. That plant is now closed and the orders are being handled at a different facility which is the one not showing the XPartNum.
This Job does have the XPartNum populated correctly.
I just know Epicor sets JobHead.XRefPartNum and JobHead.XRefCustNum it pulls it from OrderDtl.XPartNum and only shows the XPartNum on Reports like Packing Slip, Invoice.
I went and created a new SO for that Customer and Part. XPartNum was populated on OrderDtl. I re-ran MRP on it. Recycle MRP Jobs was not checked when I ran MRP. And we do not reuse Job Numbers.
I was hopeful, but cross reference was not set on the Job.
OK - this has me curious. There is a field in PartPlant called XRefPartNum. Is this perhaps where one site is populated and the next is not? What has me confused is that if the job is make to stock, it has no relationship with an order to get that XPartNum from.
Good thought with PartPlant, but none of the Parts in PartPlant have XRefPartNum set. Not just the parts for this customer, but ANY parts in the PartPlant table.
Yeah I don’t see any way to access that so I was really reaching.
So your job demand panes used to show a customer part number instead of your part number? Would that show as the part or the cross reference on the top of your job entry (like @hkeric.wci posted)? The fields on the Job Demand are driven by JobProd and JobPart tables. I don’t see any reference to customer xrefs in there. But there is in JobHead. I didn’t know that it would show customer part # in those areas.
Taking a different angle of approach: is it possible you actually have the customer’s part number loaded in your part master and maybe a default substitute part situation going on? Thinking outside of the box a little here.