MRP Code Customization

I am entering the MRP manuals for some needs that we have and I found that it offers the possibility of creating cutomizaciones on the same. According to the PDF manual “MaterialRequirementsPlanning_101600.pdf” on page 53/54 (from the middle approximately to the bottom) you can create your own dll and put it in the middle of processing the MRP.
To achieve this we have 3 accesses within Epicor.
* Process Queue
* Process Control
* Process Control Queue

Up there all right, the problem arises in that I’m not finding documentation or examples of how to implement this, that is … I have to generate a dll … but what should return? What input parameters should I have?

Has anyone here had the pleasure of playing these functions, to guide me about it?

thanks a lot.


no one customized the mrp code ever?

Just curious if you ever find anything for E10?

I noticed the MRP Tech Ref Guide for E10.1.6 mentioned .p programs, which made me think of E9/OpenEdge.
Sure enough E9 guide includes examples. Unfortunately they’re all ABL - Progress/OpenEdge.

TBD if Epicor has updated the MRP guides for later versions of E10.