We went that exact way, but still not showing demand. The issue has been escalated to the developer level at Epicor. I was hoping that it happened before to someone, and bypass the probing time...
We went that exact way, but still not showing demand. The issue has been escalated to the developer level at Epicor. I was hoping that it happened before to someone, and bypass the probing time...
--- In, robertb_versa@... wrote:
> Have you played around with your fab subassy part levels in regard to all possible combos of non-stock & phantom?
> (Yes - pull & view as assy set up in multilevel MOM SHOULD over-ride these part & partplant settings - but Vantage MRP & job scheduling is weak (and that's being kind) so it's worth a shot.)
> Also (for testing) use a MasterOp/ResourceGroup/Resource model that is ULTRA simple (& infinite capacity). Use same resource for each OP when testing. I'd also use VERY short LT for each part level (1-10 days max) to make sure you aren't exceeding MRP & Scheduler window/fence you may have unwittingly imposed.
> Finally - Make sure all parts you are testing w/ have a clean harmless part class (to insure no over-riding to part/partplant is occuring).
> Oh yeah: make your resource group/resource fully set up w/ valid In, Out, Bacflush whse bins & set for automove.
> Question: You DO have AMM (right?) If not, I don't believe multileg jobs will function.
> Rob
> --- Original Message ---
> From:"PaulS" <psiebers@...>
> Sent:Tue 4/6/10 11:06 am
> Subj:[Vantage] Re: MRP not showing demand / Creating jobs for sub-assemblies
> -We have ran any possible combination of settings on the pull as and view as check boxes followed by an MRP run each time, just so we could get a grip on what exactly MRP is doing with these flags set.
> According to 5446MPS "having View checked and Pull cleared is a valuable way to view the depth of materials for any given BOM, but still make sure that the job records demands against inventory for any given part on the job."
> I have created a part for testing purposes. The main assembly consists out of a purchased part and Sub Assembly 1. Sub 1 consists out of another purchased part and Sub Assembly 2. Sub 2 consists out of a single purchased part.
> Running MRP with View checked only creates the following demands (D) only:
> TOP(D) - PP0(D)
> - SUB1(D)
> -PP1
> -SUB2
> -PP2
> Vantage seems to ignore everything beyond the SUB1 level, including the purchased part required to build SUB1. All the required MRP flags are set at the part level, as are lead times long enough to require immediate demand after running MRP.
> I can create a job for the suggestion for the TOP level part, and then after running MRP, demand trickles down to the next level. After creating another job for that level the demand finally arrives at the bottom. We can't rely on manually pushing down demand, and we would like to have demand show for all of the involved parts irregardless of the subassembly level they are in.
> In the meanwhile Epicor has been working it as an issue over the last week or so. No results so far, I am just wondering if anyone has come across this type of behavior....
> Paul
> --- In, "Nancy" <nhoyt111@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Paul,
> >
> > We are in the midst of an Epicor 9 implementation and trying to get a handle on how best to upload our parts and methods data.
> >
> > Have you dealt with a "Pull as assembly" checkbox at all? I'm not sure if you have it in vantage, but in Epicor 9 Help file states:
> >
> > "Pull As Assembly
> > Select this check box to indicate that this material requirement should be manufactured as it is needed. Clear the check box to indicate that this material requirement should be pulled from stock.
> >
> > If the check box is cleared, the material will be pulled into the job/quote as a material, with no related manufacturing details. If the check box is selected, the material will create an assembly record on the job/quote, and all material and operation manufacturing details will be pulled over."
> >
> > I think that this means that subassemblies that are not planned to be kept in stock should be checked for "pull as assembly" to see the job for them made in association with a top level job.
> >
> > Please keep us up to date on what your findings are.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nancy Hoyt
> >
> > --- In, "PaulS" <psiebers@> wrote:
> > >
> > > This is getting interesting and scary at the same time:
> > > As far as I can see all involved parts are set up correctly. Running MRP generates deman