Multi-co - interco - drop ship
- inter-co all is well from AR side to PO interco 10 of 10 lines
... DROP ship hangs a line (pending) and AP 9 of 10 lines & DROP-SHIP lines 9 of 10
3rd party 9 of 10 lines .... not aligning to into-co AR 10-of-10
PO 10 lines Company 08
AR / ship Company has Sales ORDER 10 lines Company 02
3rd party INVOICE to ACME Inc being invoiced from the PO company 08 - AR
in response to PO, Sales Order AR SHIP and INVOICE to Company 08 has 10 lines
DROP-SHIP processing "MASS SHIP" 10 lines
AP only has 9 lines regarding Company 08
3rd party AR 9 lines
++++ trusting the system did all expected POST GROUPS
USER will process AR
AR Company 02 POSTED
SUbsequently… also processed
AP Company 08 POSTED
3rd party AR POSTED
=== if Re-visiting
DROP-SHIP one line is "PENDING"
Kinetic - 2022.1.4 EPICOR BUG ?
POSSIBILITY the “data-drop” is in QUICK SHIP !!!
Just Learned...... CLIENT is using
Any known bugs !?
While I can look into QUICK SHIP.... the EPICOR bolt-on
I am presuming the "data-drop" might be in QUICK SHIP
resulting in remnant records not updated in the Multi-co - interco interface
Any insights (punn intended) !?