Multi-Company Vat Issue


We currently have a UK Parent and French Child Company. We are running multi-company, the uk company drop shipping for the french child company.

We have an issue when the the Intercompany AP invoice is created in the french company has the incorrect VAT/Tax code is created. It is basically copying the VAT /tax code from the UK AR Invoice. So on the AR Invoice it will be Europe Sales. On the AP invoice it has the same VAT code. The Supplier setup in the French Company is correct Vat/Tax code of Europe Purchases.

Just wondering if anything body else has come up against this.

The workarounds at the moment are

  1. Manually Delete the Tax/Vat and readd
  2. Create a customisation

It looks like translation doesn’t work to change the tax code during the multi-company process. But I have not finished testing. Initially, it looks like the tax code is being changed after the invoice is generated rather than through the process.

We will be processing around 100 Inter company AP invoices a day.

Just wondering if anybody has come up against and potentially got translations to work in this context.