Need to edit Purchase Order

We have a custom purchase order report that is generated through Epicor. When a part number is to long or the line needs to become a second line the values are cut horizontally preventing anyone from reading.
I’m guessing its an SSRS report but I’m not sure.

The Purchase Order is an SSRS Report. You can select the field and change it to allow to increase in size vertically.

Shannan, Where would I go to modify this setting?

Within SSRS Report right click on the field and choose Text Box Properties. The “Allow height to increase” is under the General Menu.


Thanks for the response but I need the A, B, C, D steps for my system admin. I don’t know how to write up instructions using steps C, D. I tried looking myself but I am not sure where I am at, at this point. I am only the IT admin of the company not a dedicated Epicor poweruser. I am hoping to be one day!

Wait! Please I need your help.

FYI, this isn’t helpful for future forum searchers. :slight_smile: