Needs allocation are not in the requested date order

Hi all,
we use the advence planning, finite capacity, constrained material.
here what we found
Two final products are using the same component :
Final Products: 111111 & P111111S
Component: 123456789

On final Products: 111111 there is SO: 000001/x/1 Tot Qty 22 Requested for 26/10
On final Products: P111111S there is SO: 000002/1/1 Tot Qty 20 Requested for 25/10

On final Products: 111111 the MRP plans the SO: 000001/x/1 for the 26/10
On final Products: P111111S the MRP plans the SO: 000002/1/1 for the 20/11

Planed by alphanuerical order, without taking care of req date???

Do you have days of supply filled in for those parts?

Hi, yes, 1 day

Maybe that’s why. Not sure why you would have days of supply set to 1 - its meant to batch things together over a period of days or weeks to avoid having many smaller jobs.

We have a max of mfg of 14 pieces.

The problem is that the system plane de earlier in second position, and push the earlier after the incomming of a PO.

Should be the earlier in SO first, no?

What do you mean by requested for, exactly? I believe the field that matters is OrderRel.RequestDate which is labeled ship by in order entry (not confusing at all). It might help if you post a screenshot of time phase for the part in question.

we rename the fields
the req date is the date when jobs should be in warehouse.
Shippdate = date when it should be arrived at the customer=> date communicated

reqdate = shipdate -7 workdays

You could try removing the days of supply and regenerating MRP to see if that changes anything. Or you could try posting a screenshot of time phase which may help us figure out what is going on.

This week all came back in a good order…with no change…weird…