I’m testing the new Time Phased Inquiry (we are on Flex Option 2 so go live with Kinetic 2024 on August 26). In the Idea, there’s mention of a means to limit which users can change the Planning Parameters from Time Phased Inquiry. Editable Parameters: Create an option (button?) that will activate a slide out panel that shows the balance of the planning information (Inventory Min/max/safety, Min Order QTy, Lead Time, Days of supply, lot sizes, etc)… but ALSO would allow EDITING of this planning data directly on this screen. Also expose the Planner and Buyer and additional planning parameter fields from the PartPlant table to make this easier to utilize without needing to go into the Part Entry program.
NOTE that the ability to edit the planning data should be implemented with a special System defined Security Group. This allows the IT staff to define whether specific individuals who may have access to Time Phase would also be able to edit these parameters.
Also show information such as Lead time from Vendor Price list, primary supplier, etc.
I’m not able to find how to do this. In my Pilot env, I have a user that cannot access Part Entry/Maintenance. Yet that user can change the Planning Parameters through Time Phased Inquiry.
That’s not good, not good at all.
Thanks for the quick response. In Menu Security Maintenance, I can set that as Disallow or Default Access = None. But then the user cannot View the Planning Parameters at all. It doesn’t just say ‘you can make the change’ it says ‘access denied’ even for viewing.
We have pre-processing BPMs that prevent saving changes to certain screens if the user is not part of a certain group.
As an example, if a person in the All Purchasing group were to attempt to create a new Vendor, an exception would be thrown - the new vendor would not be saved, and a message would pop up on the user’s screen saying they’re not authorized:
I don’t know if it’s the best way to do it, but it works well for us in a situation that is not common…
I 100% agree with this and complained about it during the controlled release to no avail. In 2023.2, users with access to time phase could SEE the planning parameters but not change them. In 2024.1, users with access to time phase can now see AND EDIT the planning parameters, and there is no way to get back to the original controls (see not edit) without customizing the screen. Thanks a lot epicor - breaking things that were not broken and making more work for us as usual.