NO Auto Save when Click NEW button

I don’t know if I have never paid attention before; since this NEW button is now active on Inventory Transfer it has now come to my attention.

I strongly disagree that if someone clicks on a NEW button it should AUTO SAVE your current work. If anything it should prompt if you that you need to save or loose current info.

This came to my attention when a user was doing an Inventory Transfer and had the wrong info (never clicked cancel, clear or transfer) they clicked new thinking it would clear screen or prompt them. NOPE it transferred the part. I think this is a dangerous feature to have. Users make mistakes.

I have a knowledge base document from Epicor on this but not sure it I can share it here.

I think Auto Save on the New button should not be allowed.


Agree, it should be labeled “Save and New” Like my other accounting software … Quickbooks…:slight_smile:

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