For a while now, I have been getting the “No Servers Available” error message popping up on all my stations. It forces you to close out of Vantage and re-launch it for it to work again. It seems that it is getting worse. I see it every morning on my workstation when I get in. We have not added any users lately. If anything, we lost users. It is very frustrating. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?
I would check the progress open edge app server connections on the server
pool. I would guess you are limited to say 10 server pool sessions and you
are going over this amount.
You may have stalled or orphaned sessions that need to be cleaned out.
Thanks for the response. Can you get a little more detailed on how to check the progress open edge app server connections please? If I am limited to, let’s say 10, how would I determine on how many server pools are needed and how do I change them?
I do not have a set schedule to reset the app servers. Only when we need to reset the server or if Vantage crashes.
Sorry for the limited knowledge in this. My manager quit a while ago and I was handed his responsibilities with no training. I have been learning as I go.
You can automate by using a batch file. Mine for 905 is attached. I also monitor using fathom. You can kill a single rogue appserver here or stop and start task or process server without killing users sessions.
Just an FYI… couple things I’ve seen cause “no server…” errors
Progress db… where I had an online backup scheduled via a batch file & it ran during business hours.
I would see the “no server…” errors while the backup was running if the bi file had grown beyond a certain size. Would have to disable the backup until I could truncate the bi.
And occasionally I’ve seen some dashboards or reports when run without any select criteria i.e. “wide open”. Would usually be listed in the system monitor, except for ODBC issues which are trickier to spot.