Non-Financial data in GL

Thanks everyone for all the tricks you suggested.  I came up with the idea to add a Book.  It will be a little bit of setup, but it will be very flexible and we will be able to add as many different statistics as we want.  We currently have 18 identified.  We will use a different structure for the chart (letters instead of numbers) so we won't be able to post it to the wrong book.  I will have the budget table to put the comparable budget numbers in as well.  This will also keep the non-financial data totally separate from our regular GL.  

I did hear from someone at Epicor that version 10.1 will allow you to choose if you want a GL account to be purely statistical or should keep both statistical and financial data in it.  So, if you are looking for something much more simple, that may be an option in the future.  We have decided it will probably not be as flexible as we need it to be, as we would need multiple statistics per GL account in some cases.

Thanks again!


I seem to remember hearing that it was possible to put non-financial data in the GL.  Does anyone know how to do this?  If so, could you give me some steps to doing this.  We do not use the currency module, but would like to put the exchange rate used each month into the GL.  Another example would be putting headcount numbers in the GL.

I am working on 9.05.701.




I've not heard of pushing data like this into the G/L. Safe to assume by your [Vantage] reference you are on Vantage 8 (where the data schema is much simpler than Epicor 9 or 10 and if necessary to try for some reason, probably simpler to do - & safer?)

Is the purpose to provide some dashboardish reports?

If so (for example), why not set up your Employee records (which would then enable breakdown by departments, etc.,) & simply bring the EmpBasic record data into your reports (a simple count of records not inactive or terminated).

If that complicates things (or is at cross purposes with other uses of that info), most tables of user defined fields where you could maintain the info (including financial/GL related tables) & any reports could be modified to present the data. (Or use a UD table & integrate that where needed).

We've learned (sometimes painfully) that short term 'misuse' of fields can come back & haunt you as you grow & expand use of the sysyem's capabilities.

Rob Brown
Versa Products
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"pjepicor@... [vantage]" <>
Date:Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Subject:[Vantage] Non-Financial data in GL

<div id="ygrps-yiv-913149165ygrp-text">
  <p></p><p><span>Hi,</span></p><p><span><br clear="none"></span></p><p><span>I seem to remember hearing that it was possible to put non-financial data in the GL. &nbsp;Does anyone know how to do this? &nbsp;If so, could you give me some steps to doing this. &nbsp;We do not use the currency module, but would like to put the exchange rate used each month into the GL. &nbsp;Another example would be putting headcount numbers in the GL.</span></p><p><span><br clear="none"></span></p><p><span>I am working on 9.05.701.</span></p><p><span><br clear="none"></span></p><p><span>Thanks,</span></p><p><span>Paula</span></p>


<div style="color:#fff;height:0;"></div></div>
Thanks Rob.  Sorry, we are on E9.  Not sure why the "Vantage" got in the subject line.

We use XL Connect, so would like to be able to pull this data into that to compare to expenses.  I used headcount as an example, but we would also like to use other measurements like electricity usage, square footage or budget burden hours.

I think this is available in other major software packages, so maybe I will need to request an enhancement.  


There are probably some user defined fields in the table that holds the GL data which you could use.  I would say you could use a user-defined table so you don’t have to “clutter” your GL data table, but if you don’t have the developer edition of XL Connect, then you wouldn’t be able to use the user-defined table in your reporting.  So I would look at what user defined-fields you have available in the existing table.


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst

PTI Engineered Plastics

Paula - If I remember correctly, you can simply have another "budget" code for the book/fiscal year that has non-fin data in it. Since the budget data is strictly for reporting, the system won't care if you store a Qty in a Currency field. Then XL Connect can have one column looking at each budget code and you get:

Account#        Actuals       $Budget    QtyBudget


It is possible in 9 and 19 to put non financial data in the description field.
Haven't tried other fields yet, though don't know why it couldn't be done.

This is by changing the posting rules.

Some of the non-financial data I have put in are 
Part number, Part Description, Customer or Supplier ID, reference text, etc.

Bruce Larson

That should have been 
It is possible in E9 and E10 to put non-financial data into the GL.
