NonConformance Constrained to be unique error

Hi Karen,

Thanks for the reply. I wish I could have found a missing or null value sent. I does look to have all the correct values. Just strange how SC would choke on the serial number when I can't see where it's ever been NC'd before. I looked at serialno and sntran tables and I didn't see any records that indicated it was sent through before.  Just strange.

Thanks again!

Hi all,
We use a Service Connect to do Non Conformance.  Been doing it for years and works well...except now.  We have a part number and SN we sent through and got this error:

"SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Column 'Company, PartNum, SerialNumber' is constrained to be unique."

Well, I searched the non conformance and serial number forms and tables for that part/SN combo and found nothing. It looks to go through the non conformance portion of Service Connect, but chokes when it hits the serial number part. I have found absolutely nothing in the past on this part/SN combo.  Could there be something hiding somewhere I'm missing?  (I'm kind of looking to blame the cold weather, but that might not fly).

Thanks in advance for any help!!
