Nonconformance Module VS Inspection Processing Entry - Tags not printing accurately - Help needed

We have been experiencing an issue with our custom Nonconformance tags as of late. If they are printed from the MES screen when they are first reported some times the data will not come through. Likewise, if an inspector is filling out the Inspection Processing Entry screen to pass or fail them and prints a tag that tag comes back missing reason code, part revision/drawing number, and comment section data. However, if we print the same tag from the nonconformance module then the data is shown correctly.

I went ahead and ran a trace for both the Nonconformance and Inspection Processing modules. The data that came back from Nonconformance was mostly populated while the data that came back from the inspection processing module was mostly blank. I confirmed that both modules were using the same report style.

Why would I be seeing this behavior?

Has anyone else seen something similar?