Object Properties

You seem to be modifying the control and not the data view.

(This is C# syntax I don't know VB)

EpiDataView soDV = (EpiDataView)oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderRel"];

case 0:
case 1:

Jose C Gomez


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Nathan <bonner.n@...> wrote:

> I have the following code on OrderRel as part of our Drop Ship integration
> (tying a PO to a Sales Order without a Job). The trouble is that the Object
> Properties aren't changing as expected. Any suggestions?
> Private Sub OrderHedList_DataView_ListChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
> args As ListChangedEventArgs) Handles OrderHedList_DataView.ListChanged
> '// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
> '// args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)("[FieldName]")
> '// args.LastRow, args.CurrentRow, args.CurrentView
> '
> 'Add Event Handler Code
> Dim PONum as Integer
> PONum = nedEpiCustom5.value
> Select Case PONum
> Case 0
> chkEpiCustom2.ReadOnly = FALSE
> Case Else
> chkEpiCustom2.ReadOnly = TRUE
> End Select
> End Sub
> Thanks,
> Nathan Bonner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I have the following code on OrderRel as part of our Drop Ship integration (tying a PO to a Sales Order without a Job). The trouble is that the Object Properties aren't changing as expected. Any suggestions?

Private Sub OrderHedList_DataView_ListChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As ListChangedEventArgs) Handles OrderHedList_DataView.ListChanged
'// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
'// args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)("[FieldName]")
'// args.LastRow, args.CurrentRow, args.CurrentView
'Add Event Handler Code

Dim PONum as Integer
PONum = nedEpiCustom5.value

Select Case PONum

Case 0
chkEpiCustom2.ReadOnly = FALSE
Case Else
chkEpiCustom2.ReadOnly = TRUE
End Select

End Sub


Nathan Bonner