Obtaining the last Job Number per part based on the create date for the Job whether it is an MRP generated job or a manual job entry

I am trying to retrieve the last Job for parts in selected product groups and am using Create date and a calculated (Row number) row_number() over(partition by JobHead_lastJob.JobNum order by JobHead_lastJob.CreateDate desc)in a sub-query on the Job Head .
In the top level I have the criteria calculated row = 1. But it is returning all of the jobs.
In some cases there are 6 - 7 jobs for the same part for the same day and I just one 1 record.

Is there another way to achiever this?
Open to suggestions.
Thank you all.

Use a subquery to get just the last job for each Part. Can just use grouping and a MAX() calc to get a single record per part. Ten link that subquery to top level query.

Worked wonderfully Calvin … thank you.