As other have already suggested, I would start with building a VIEW for a table to retrieve the comment fields. I believe there are instruction in the files section here. If not, contact me offline & I'll send you mine.
However.... I think Excel text fields are limited to 255 characters.
In case of comments, they often contain more than 255, contain odd characters, etc...
It can get messy.
So I usually use MS Access instead of Excel.
1.) build an empty table in Access
2.) add the field(s), making sure that any that will hold comments are type "memo"
3.) create an ODBC import query to select and populate your table
If you don't create the memo table/field(s) first - Access has a nasty habit of "guessing" at the datatype based on the first few rows. Ends up usually guessing it's basic text & then truncating anything beyond 255.