[off topic] Closing Dos Batch File Windows

Troy, Try entering a line with the word "exit" in it. That should close out
the window..

Lyal Shoff
Hanard Machine Inc.
859 7th St. NW.
Salem, Oregon 97304
Phone: 503-364-3952
Fax: 503-364-6895

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Does anyone know how to make a DOS batch file that automatically closes the DOS window after it is done? Is there a DOS command to do this?

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

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On Windows 95 and 98 machines. When you first run a DOS application on that
computer it creates a PIF file (in your Windows\PIF directory). If you open
the PIF file properties, there is a check box for "close on exit". I don't
know the reason but the default is unchecked, thus leaving the DOS window
open. Check it and the window will close when the DOS app ends.

Michael Podlin

-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 6:48 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] [off topic] Closing Dos Batch File Windows

Does anyone know how to make a DOS batch file that automatically closes the
DOS window after it is done? Is there a DOS command to do this?

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

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> Does anyone know how to make a DOS batch file that
> automatically closes the DOS window after it is done? Is
> there a DOS command to do this?


Is this a batch file? I have found if a launch a CMD or BAT file, they close
when they are done even if I don't put in an EXIT command. If it is a batch
file, check to make sure the last command is actually finishing by putting a
PAUSE command after the last line. If the batch file stops to wait for a key
press, then at least you know the previous command is finishing.

Brian Boyes,
Systems Administrator,
Precision Resource Canada Ltd.
Try putting EXIT as the last line of the batch file (or the last line to be

Jim S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:48 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] [off topic] Closing Dos Batch File Windows

Does anyone know how to make a DOS batch file that automatically closes
the DOS window after it is done? Is there a DOS command to do this?

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

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Exit didn't close the window on the batch file until I selected Properties on the DOS box and checked "Close on Exit". Now it closes fine.

Thanks for the help Mike, Brian, and Jim

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
----- Original Message -----
From: Troy Funte
To: Vantage
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:48 PM
Subject: [Vantage] [off topic] Closing Dos Batch File Windows

Does anyone know how to make a DOS batch file that automatically closes the DOS window after it is done? Is there a DOS command to do this?

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

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