Off Topic - Linux - NT Box

run FTP from your NT box to the Linux box.

E. Lee Ingalls III
Commercial Tool & Die Inc.
(p)616.785.8100 (f)616.785.8120
eli3@... <mailto:eli3@...>

Fortitudine Vincimus: "by Endurance we conquer."

-----Original Message-----
From: Dina Hieber [mailto:dhieber@...]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Off Topic - Linux - NT Box

Does anyone know how I can get a file from my linux server to my NT
Box. I thought there was a utility Samba that I could use but I can not
locate the web page.

Does anyone have an idea? Or have used Samba?


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Does anyone know how I can get a file from my linux server to my NT
Box. I thought there was a utility Samba that I could use but I can not
locate the web page.

Does anyone have an idea? Or have used Samba?


Dina Hieber wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can get a file from my linux server to my NT
> Box. I thought there was a utility Samba that I could use but I can not
> locate the web page.
> Does anyone have an idea? Or have used Samba?
> Thanks,
> Dina
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