We're a Unigraphics 18 shop but have evaluated Pro/E... your video card
should be a 3D double-buffered graphics accelerator set to 1280x1024
resolution, 70 Hz (or higher) refresh rate and 24 or 32 bits-per-pixel color
depth is recommended. If the accelerator cannot support this color depth and
resolution, the display should be set at the maximum supported
double-buffered color depth at this resolution.
Our Dell Precision 330 & 530 have Wildcat II 5110 & 6110 cards that support
Pro/E. (nVidia is also a recommended Pro/E card)
Here is a link to PTC (Pro/E's) system requirements for Pro/E:
-----Original Message-----
From: sarah.vareschi@... [mailto:sarah.vareschi@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: [Vantage] [Off-topic] Video Cards
Sorry about the off-topic msg. I have been sort of struggling without a
network admin. I'm working on a replacement, but need to get things done
the meantime. Anyway, we typically use Visiontek Xtasy GEFORCE4 TI4400
128MB Visdoe cards. I need to purchase a replacement card for one of our
PC's and found out that our promary supplier doesn't carry this card
anymore, but they do carry the 4600. I have found both cards, and could
either, the price difference being about $100. Just wondering if anyone
used either and cen say if the 4600 is worth the exta $100 or if anyone
knows of a website that I could look up info on comparisons on the two
cards. Oir, if I should just get the 4600 and test it for myself... I'm
new to this arena and just not sure the best way to go about things like
this... sorry.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We're a Unigraphics 18 shop but have evaluated Pro/E... your video card
should be a 3D double-buffered graphics accelerator set to 1280x1024
resolution, 70 Hz (or higher) refresh rate and 24 or 32 bits-per-pixel color
depth is recommended. If the accelerator cannot support this color depth and
resolution, the display should be set at the maximum supported
double-buffered color depth at this resolution.
Our Dell Precision 330 & 530 have Wildcat II 5110 & 6110 cards that support
Pro/E. (nVidia is also a recommended Pro/E card)
Here is a link to PTC (Pro/E's) system requirements for Pro/E:
-----Original Message-----
From: sarah.vareschi@... [mailto:sarah.vareschi@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: [Vantage] [Off-topic] Video Cards
Sorry about the off-topic msg. I have been sort of struggling without a
network admin. I'm working on a replacement, but need to get things done
the meantime. Anyway, we typically use Visiontek Xtasy GEFORCE4 TI4400
128MB Visdoe cards. I need to purchase a replacement card for one of our
PC's and found out that our promary supplier doesn't carry this card
anymore, but they do carry the 4600. I have found both cards, and could
either, the price difference being about $100. Just wondering if anyone
used either and cen say if the 4600 is worth the exta $100 or if anyone
knows of a website that I could look up info on comparisons on the two
cards. Oir, if I should just get the 4600 and test it for myself... I'm
new to this arena and just not sure the best way to go about things like
this... sorry.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]