After setting up a printer on a print server, you can monitor the print
server (and consequently the printer). The HP print server can actually
be observed using a browser like netscape by plugging in the TCP address
(XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) from anywhere on your network. You cannot "monitor" a
printer otherwise.
Wendy Pursche wrote:
After setting up a printer on a print server, you can monitor the print
server (and consequently the printer). The HP print server can actually
be observed using a browser like netscape by plugging in the TCP address
(XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) from anywhere on your network. You cannot "monitor" a
printer otherwise.
Wendy Pursche wrote:
> Someone mentioned the other day about free shareware for HP WebJet
> Admin. Is this only usable under JetDirect print server? I only have
> 1 printer under this print server so I was looking to monitor my other
> printers as well that are not under a print server.
> Wendy Pursche
> Network Administrator
> Schmald Tool & Die, Inc.
> (810) 743-1600 ext.323
> wpursche@...
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