Ohio Vantage User Group Meeting

The Ohio Vantage User Group is scheduled to meet Dec 6, 2006

For more information and to signup go to
Sign up by Nov 29, 2006.

Our meetings are held in Columbus, an easy drive for anyone in Ohio.
Out of state Vantage users are always welcome. Pre-registration is

Where: Salvi's Bistro 1323 Saint James Lutheran Lane Columbus, Ohio
43228 salvisbistro.com

Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Cost: $20 per attendee. full lunch, coffee tea or soda, dessert, tax
and gratuity. Payment due at meeting.

NOTE: Please only RSVP for the actual number who will be attending
as seating is limited.
A meeting of the Ohio Vantage User Group is scheduled for Wednesday
October 23 from 10:00 until 2:00 in Columbus, OH.

The agenda includes presentations by:

Ben Nixon - Epicor Tech Services - on optimizing Vantage installation
to reduce start-up time and optimize resources.

John Frost - Epicor software Corp - on New Web Components for Vantage
which includes customer connect and supplier connect.

Both presentations promise to be very informative.

It only costs you your lunch.

If you're interested in attending or want more info contact
jenny@... and she can fill you in.
The Ohio Vantage User Group meeting is scheduled for March 20,2003 at
Chi-Chi's Restaurant 4000 West Market Street, Akron Ohio from 10:00 -
2:00. A representative from Epicor will be giving a presentation of
upcoming versions, including Sonoma.

Cost is only what you order for lunch.

To reserve a spot reply to jenny@... or visit the OVUG web
site at www.uplinkinc.com/ovug.
A meeting of the Ohio Vantage User Group is scheduled for December
10th in Columbus, Ohio. Topics will be Vantage version 8.0 and the
new Human Resources module.

Please visit http://www.uplinkinc.com/ovug/schedule.htm for more
information and to sign up.

Contact me, Anna Slepecky at 330-725-0043 if you have questions.

Thanks and hope to see you there... Anna

I would like to attend this meeting, but unfortunately, we will be
right in the thick of things for our implementation. Please keep me on
the email list for future user group meetings.

Look forward to seeing you on the 29th.

>>> annas@... 11/16/2004 11:10:33 AM >>>

A meeting of the Ohio Vantage User Group is scheduled for December
10th in Columbus, Ohio. Topics will be Vantage version 8.0 and the
new Human Resources module.

Please visit http://www.uplinkinc.com/ovug/schedule.htm for more
information and to sign up.

Contact me, Anna Slepecky at 330-725-0043 if you have questions.

Thanks and hope to see you there... Anna

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Yahoo! Groups Links

Dale Norris
IS Manager
Bullen Ultrasonics Inc.
950 S Franklin St.
Eaton, Oh 45320
P (937) 472-3311 F (937) 472-0043
Email: dnorris@...
Visit our website at:

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The Ohio Vantage User Group is meeting on Friday August 12 in
Ohio. Any local Vantage user is welcome!!!

Please see http://www.uplinkinc.com/ovug/schedule.htm for more
information and to register.

If you have any questions e-mail me at annas@...

Look forward to seeing you there.