Old Customization Ghost in New Version

We are now in Kinetic/11/2022 and there is a ghost customization that is somehow still in our system even though we went live with a vanilla version. This is for the Client version only.

When trying to use MES End Activity, the error happens. Opening MES, clocking in, logging in, and starting activity all work fine. When a user tries to End Activity, they get this error.


That Menu ID does not exist in our environment. There is no customization on MES or the End Labor Activity menu.

How can I get rid of the End Activity custom menu call when it does not exist? Could it somehow be in the DLL? Should I just open a ticket?


Is there a bad entry in Process Calling Maintenance?

That was it!!! Thank you.

I did not even know that menu existed :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yep I ran into the same thing before and it took forever to figure out…

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