I’m working with the Scheduled Shipments SSRS report, in Epicor 10 cloud. It using the object OMR50 which I know isn’t a real table in the database but joins together many tables. Is it possible to find what table/fields this is pulling data from?
I need to pull data from JobHead, OrderHed and OrderDtl which I believe OMR50 also pulls data from but doesn’t include all the fields. The query gets messy with some duplicate records when joining the same table twice.
Sometimes a field name will be preceded by the source table, like: OderRel_ShipTo. Especially if the source tables have fields with the same name (ex: on an order, ShipTo might be from OrderHed, OrderRel, or even Customer)
Actually JobNum seems to be the only field that is not used.
Most fields come from OrderRel and Customer, quantities seem to be calculated using internal libraries so I can’t say how exactly are calculated.
And the ShipTo is either the One Time ShipTo or the one assigned to the OrderRel.