Open With Lot Tracker not refreshing

Just upgraded to 10.2 from 10.1.500 - we used to be able to open Lot Tracker from Part Tracker with the context menu and Lot Tracker would update with whichever LotNum you right-clicked on. Not working anymore - have to either close the Lot Tracker first or search up/enter new LotNum. Causing pain for our inventory control clerk.

I’m thinking this is probably a customization that I don’t fully understand, but might also be a bug? Looking at Context Menu Maintenance, and Menu elements in Sol’n Workbench, but nothing is jumping out at me.

Does “Lot Tracker” show under the “Open With …”?

If so, what happens when “Open With … -> Lot Tracker” is selected? Does the Lot Tracker Program open? Does it load the expected record(s)?

Yes, Lot Tracker is there. If it’s not already open, it will open with the correct PartNum and LotNum. If it IS already open, and already showing the same PartNum, but you right-click on a different LotNum and Open With again, it does not refresh with the different Lot. In our 10.1 on-prem environment, it did refresh.

It might be the weird case where two values are required to specify the record. The P/N and the LOT. That takes some special handling, which might have been setup in your 10.1, and needs to be done slightly different in 10.2

Search on here for posts about trying to search for and open a PO Receipt with quick search. The discussion talked about needing two keys. It’s only a suggestion, to possibly get you looking in the right direction.

Just wanted to note that Epicor accepted this as a defect after I demonstrated it in a WebEx.

@jfajen, did they give you a Problem number for this? I believe I am having the same issue with Part Tracker in 10.2.700.4, and I wanted to see what Epicor wrote up for your issue. Thanks!

PRB0224032 – it’s been resolved. I believe we confirmed it. Haven’t heard a complaint in a while, anyway.