I’m in the process of migrating from V8 to E10 and I’m generating all the data to import into E10.
I’m mostly doing it with an ODBC query to the V8 DB, from within an Excel file.
I’m a bit confused by the way Operations are stored in the DB both in V8 and E10. In V8 there are tables OpMaster and OpMasDtl. MS Query automatically makes joins: OpMaster.Company = OpMasDtl.Company and OpMaster.OpCode = OpMasDtl.Opcode
DMT wants the following fields Company, OpCode, OpDesc, OpMasDtl#OpDtlSeq, OpMasDtl#OpCode
Won’t OpCode and OpMasDtl#OpCode always be the same (because of the join in the query)?
Not sure I follow how OpMaster and OpMasDtl are related.
OpMaster table stores your operation records.
The OpMasDtl records are the resources or resource groups attached to the operations. Look at the operations setup screen in Vantage 8, you should see the attachments. Let me know if you need to see the import file we used in July for our e10 migration.
I’ve got a very odd situation. The origanl plan was to only migrate over the relevent data (Parts, customers, suplliers, BOMs, etc…) that we’ve used recently. And leave V8 running for anyone that needs to get anything we missed. This would give us a nice clean start with E10.
But then IT said that we have to take down the V8 server becasue it’s past EOL (end of life) - It’s Windows Server 2003.
So now we have to bring EVERYTHING over, and will do a second stage of exporting the select data form this E10 (call it Phase 1) to a new instance of E10 (Phase 2).
Another pain in the ass is that we don’t even use operations - or even track labor in Vantage. But someone had setup Operations Resources, groups, etc… way back when we were on Vista 4. I wasn’t going to bring any of that over, thinking it would be “archived” in V8.
Anyway … Did you create a batch file to do all the imports in DMT, or use the user GUI?
If you need to run Vantage for historical data purposes, why not setup V8 on a virtual machine running a later version of Windows server? I am fairly certain Vantage will setup on Windows 2012 but don’t quote me on this.