I have created BAQ’s like this before but i have never run into this issue. The operator is clocked into the correct operation (20) and assembly sequence number (0) but my BAQ is saying that he is Actively working on Operation 20 from all three assemblies on the job.(see picture 1 below - AsmSeq#0 is first). We should only see him clocked into Asm 0. I cant just limit the sequence numbers to constant 0 as sometimes they work on other Asm sequence #'s. What should i add or remove the below BAQ to help fix this issue?
Sounds like you’re missing joins on JobOper.AssemblySeq = LaborDtl.AssemblySeq
Try JobHead to JobAsm to JobOper to JobOprDtl to LaborDtl to EmpBasic
Patrick Winter
Agreed on the missing link fields.
This seems to have fixed the issue after attempting to replicate the issue. Thank you for the help!