Orphan PO's?

When you run the MRP processes Orphan PO's. What exactly is an Orphan PO?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Normally, an Orphan PO is a PO that has a line item
tied to a job that is complete.
If the PO is trying to purchase a Sub-Contracted
Operation on a Job, and the Job has been completed
with out the PO having been received, an Orphan PO is
found by MRP. The PO is in essence, lost or orphaned.

--- Jasper Recto <jrecto@...> wrote:
> When you run the MRP processes Orphan PO's. What
> exactly is an Orphan PO?
> Jasper
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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