Thanks for the advice - Unfortunately I need to retain most of the
original semi-sequential numbering systems, as they are being used to
provide serial numbers, drawing and various other record, so I'll try
the DMax approach.
Where I can, I intend to simplify things by dropping the old numbering
systems (often alpha-numeric composite strings) for a simplified numeric
Best Regards,
Paul Whittle
From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark Wonsil
Sent: 20 June 2007 14:58
Subject: RE: [Vantage] OT: Access tables - setting value of a new record
by looking up the value in another table
up the domain function DMax. It will return the highest value in a
column for
a given domain (in this case a table).
Mark W.
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original semi-sequential numbering systems, as they are being used to
provide serial numbers, drawing and various other record, so I'll try
the DMax approach.
Where I can, I intend to simplify things by dropping the old numbering
systems (often alpha-numeric composite strings) for a simplified numeric
Best Regards,
Paul Whittle
From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark Wonsil
Sent: 20 June 2007 14:58
Subject: RE: [Vantage] OT: Access tables - setting value of a new record
by looking up the value in another table
> Have you considered using two different keys? When converting datafrom
> an old system to Access I've often set up two keys. The old key whichI agree with Lon. But if you really need to manage the sequential key,
> is just an indexed field and then a new key that is the autonumbered
> primary key. It keeps me from having to manually control a sequencial
> key.
up the domain function DMax. It will return the highest value in a
column for
a given domain (in this case a table).
Mark W.
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