At 05:12 PM 11/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
your margin, stamp your username and all kinds of other cool effects. $40
w. free trial version available.
miss that one? Their whole way of handling bins has always bugged
me. Vantage treats it more like a chart of accounts that you're going to
set up once and never change, than a dynamic thing (which it's always been
at the shops I've worked.) We had to give our stock boy access to
Warehouse Maintenance to update bins, and keep checking periodically to
make sure he hadn't touched the GL Division box in there!
-Wayne Cox
Twenty Three -- Information Technology Consulting
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Why can't my default reports from big V print out with a !%^&*% LEFTCheck out the Fine Print utility: It can add
>MARGIN for hole punching?
your margin, stamp your username and all kinds of other cool effects. $40
w. free trial version available.
>And why cannot the MAINTENANCE screen for creating BINS in a $%^&*$%^Hmm, 5.0 added the customizable browse screens most everywhere. Did they
>WREHOUSE be sorted by the very number that you create them with?
miss that one? Their whole way of handling bins has always bugged
me. Vantage treats it more like a chart of accounts that you're going to
set up once and never change, than a dynamic thing (which it's always been
at the shops I've worked.) We had to give our stock boy access to
Warehouse Maintenance to update bins, and keep checking periodically to
make sure he hadn't touched the GL Division box in there!
-Wayne Cox
Twenty Three -- Information Technology Consulting
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]