We have had similar problems, and our approach has been succesful for
the way we operate.
-We created a custom Crystal Report to identify which part is
associated with which sales order. (I posted this file yesterday in
the User Group Files section for Crystal Reports. This has been the
biggest error saver of all. I print a new list for them at the
beginning of each week and put it in the Shipping instructions manual)
-We trained, and we trained again. Each time emphasizing the
importance of shippings function. This point cannot be overstated.
-We check each days shipments the next morning to confirm all is well
bbefore it gets cast in stone by posting.
Vantages standard "Sales Order Pick List" report may also be of help
to you. It's under Orders-Reports. It list parts, warehouses, release
date & quantity, and has lines for Qty shipped, Whse, & Bin.
Hope this provides some relief.
Mark Tario
Accurate Gauge & Mfg., Inc.
248-853-2400 ext.112
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Packing Slip Errors
What is the shipping department using to create the packing slips? Our
shipping department has the sales order acknowledgement with a check
for the picking and verifying which is used to for quantity and
have the sales order initialed after the packing slip has been
created and
printed that the quantity and product match what verified when picked.
Accounting then verifies as part of invoice entry that this has
that quantities are correct.
the way we operate.
-We created a custom Crystal Report to identify which part is
associated with which sales order. (I posted this file yesterday in
the User Group Files section for Crystal Reports. This has been the
biggest error saver of all. I print a new list for them at the
beginning of each week and put it in the Shipping instructions manual)
-We trained, and we trained again. Each time emphasizing the
importance of shippings function. This point cannot be overstated.
-We check each days shipments the next morning to confirm all is well
bbefore it gets cast in stone by posting.
Vantages standard "Sales Order Pick List" report may also be of help
to you. It's under Orders-Reports. It list parts, warehouses, release
date & quantity, and has lines for Qty shipped, Whse, & Bin.
Hope this provides some relief.
Mark Tario
Accurate Gauge & Mfg., Inc.
248-853-2400 ext.112
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Packing Slip Errors
What is the shipping department using to create the packing slips? Our
shipping department has the sales order acknowledgement with a check
for the picking and verifying which is used to for quantity and
have the sales order initialed after the packing slip has been
created and
printed that the quantity and product match what verified when picked.
Accounting then verifies as part of invoice entry that this has
that quantities are correct.
> -----Original Message-----create
> Subject: RE: [Vantage] Packing Slip Errors
> Is anyone else struggling to get their shipping departments to
> packing slips accurately? We seem to be getting a lot of mistakes
> that don't get caught until after invoicing and posting, and at that
> point it is impossible to fix. Is there some kind of an edit process
> that people are using to catch these mistakes before they get
> invoiced in accounting?
> Brian Stenglein
> Clow Stamping Co.