Packing Slip "Ready to Ship" messagbox

To hide a menu item you set the sharedprops.enabled = false. You can also make it invisible with sharedprops.visible = false. The trick is figuring out the name of the menu.

using the customization wizard add a toolclick event for the basetoolmanager and use a message box to give the name of the item clicked.

private void baseToolbarsManager_ToolClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs args)
Save and relaunch.
Then click the menu item you want to disable and take note of the name.

Then put this in your load form event or other appropriate location. You may need to put it in other places if the standard screen enables and disables the item based on other criteria. For example you might put it in the before tool drop down event if the item is on the actions menu.

// depends on the release level if use of the "this." is appropriate.
this.baseToolbarsManager.Tools["PrintTool"].SharedProps.Enabled = false; // repalce "PrintTool" with the name gotten from the toolclick event.

Jim Kinneman
Senior Consultant
Encompass Solution, Inc

--- In, Ken Stoner <kest874@...> wrote:
> Is there any way then to hide the print button on the menu bar?
> Anyone have an example on how to call the packing slip print program?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Is there a method to stop this from appearing after printing the packing
slip? We are creating shippers ahead of time and don�t want to process the
shipment until the truck is verified. We have auto-invoice turned on. I
simply want to suppress this message to avoid someone clicking yes on

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The standard routine prints the pack slip and then runs an additional routine to see if everything is on a pack slip.

To get around this we just need to run the pack slip print portion. Replace the pack slip print button/action event with your own button/action event and then just call the pack slip print program.

Jim Kinneman
Encompass Solutions, Inc
Senior Consultant

--- In, Ken Stoner <kest874@...> wrote:
> Is there a method to stop this from appearing after printing the packing
> slip? We are creating shippers ahead of time and don't want to process the
> shipment until the truck is verified. We have auto-invoice turned on. I
> simply want to suppress this message to avoid someone clicking yes on
> accident.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Is there any way then to hide the print button on the menu bar?

Anyone have an example on how to call the packing slip print program?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The code below will call the packing slip print program (Epicor 9.05 in


System.Collections.ArrayList arrParams = new



LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();

lfo.ValueIn = arrParams;

lfo.IsModal = true;

object result = ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans,
"Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.PackingSlipPrint", lfo, true);


From: [] On Behalf
Of Ken Stoner
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Packing Slip "Ready to Ship" messagbox

Is there any way then to hide the print button on the menu bar?

Anyone have an example on how to call the packing slip print program?

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]