Part Tags & Zebra Z4Mplus

Not sure if this will help, but Vantage sent me a list of Crystal
Error codes.

The Crystal Report Engine DLL generates the following errors when

Error #
======= ============================

500 NOTENOUGHMEMORY There is not enough memory available to complete
the call or an incorrect ODBC handle was specified.

--- In, "lindalowney" <llowney@d...> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We purchased a Zebra Z4Mplus label printer but it does not want to
> work with the PartTags.rpt supplied with Vantage. I receive an error
> 500 message when I try to print from receipt entry. The PartTags.rpt
> works fine if I print to a laser printer. I opened the PartTags.rpt
> in Crystal 8 and as soon as I select the Zebra printer the design
> screen starts to go nuts. It looks like it is duplicating the design
> screen in multiple columns to the right.
> Does anyone have a Vantage PartTags report that works with the Zebra
> printer? I tried searching on this site but did not have any luck.
> Regards,
> Linda
Hello Everyone,

We purchased a Zebra Z4Mplus label printer but it does not want to
work with the PartTags.rpt supplied with Vantage. I receive an error
500 message when I try to print from receipt entry. The PartTags.rpt
works fine if I print to a laser printer. I opened the PartTags.rpt
in Crystal 8 and as soon as I select the Zebra printer the design
screen starts to go nuts. It looks like it is duplicating the design
screen in multiple columns to the right.

Does anyone have a Vantage PartTags report that works with the Zebra
printer? I tried searching on this site but did not have any luck.

One of the things you have to do in the design section is to set up the
printer that it will use. We use Zebra 4m with modified crystal labels all
the time. You might also try changing your print driver to the 140iII
Driver also, go to
<> and download their driver package. It
seems to actually work a little better than Zebra's.

Shirley Graver


From: lindalowney [mailto:llowney@...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:51 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Part Tags & Zebra Z4Mplus

Hello Everyone,

We purchased a Zebra Z4Mplus label printer but it does not want to
work with the PartTags.rpt supplied with Vantage. I receive an error
500 message when I try to print from receipt entry. The PartTags.rpt
works fine if I print to a laser printer. I opened the PartTags.rpt
in Crystal 8 and as soon as I select the Zebra printer the design
screen starts to go nuts. It looks like it is duplicating the design
screen in multiple columns to the right.

Does anyone have a Vantage PartTags report that works with the Zebra
printer? I tried searching on this site but did not have any luck.


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Tracking #: BCFE13160FFFE245ABCACE0E9E79359F556C9D4C

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