Part.Unitprice and .InternalUnitPrice Best Practices

What would be the best practice in using these fields? They are not linked or calculdated to the Supplier Price List. I was thinking of making a BPM to do this.

Our goal is to list our sale price for each part. Most parts have the same percentage markup, but I can create a field to enter that percentage.

Maybe i’m misunderstanding these fields. Currently, we do not use them.

The Sales Unit Price is the Price that will default on Sales Orders if a valid Customer Price List does not exist. If left zero, then when there is not a valid Customer Price List the Price on the Sales Order Line will be zero. If you want to use Discount Price Lists, then this is the Base Sales Unit Price that it is based on.
In the case that you are using Multi Company (Intercompany Trading) the Internal Price is used instead.
This does not have anything to do with Suppliers, for that you would want to select ‘Price Lists’ from the Actions menu.

CORRECTION: The Internal Price is NOT used for Multi Company Trading, it’s for Transfer Order Pricing between Plants. (I mix these up all the time, sigh). Multi Company Trading uses base Pricing methods with the exception that the Purchasing Company’s PO Price will stand unless the Selling Company overrides it (with the Part.SalesUnitPrice or the Customer’s Price List) in the Incoming Purchasing Suggestions program (checkbox on the header)

Sales would like to use this field. Sounds like it has to be manually populated and maintained?

Yes, or with DMT you can use a spreadsheet to mass load your Base Unit Prices.

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Doesn’t the internal price only deal with Transfer Orders? Or is it used on Multi-Company internal POs and SOs?

You are 100% correct I mixed this up!
Yes Internal Price is for Transfer Orders between Plants.
Multi Company ICPO’s use the Supplier Price List on the Purchasing side and unless the PO price is overridden by the sales company (via a checkbox) the PO Price from the Purchasing company’s Price List is used.