Part Weight doesn't automatically update from Part Master when pulled into a Method from a previous revision

Part ABC is created in the Part Master. At the time the Weight field is not updated either because the weight is unknown or data entry didn’t enter the weight (the field is not marked as mandatory). Part ABC is part of the MOM of Part XYZ, Rev A.

We now want to make a new revision for Part XYZ. We copy the old revision, which includes Part ABC, but in the time between Rev A and Rev B, Part ABC has had a unit weight added to the part master. However, because we pulled in Rev A’s MOM, where Part ABC had no weight, Rev B also shows Part ABC with no weight. If I manually add Part ABC to the Rev B MOM, the part’s weight populates. How can I get the system to automatically update the new Rev with the latest part weights when the new revision’s MOM is copied from a previous revision? I thought of creating a BPM, but I couldn’t think of what action would be my “trigger” to make the BPM work.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Enable tracing, then copy a BOM to a new rev, and see what BO’s and Methods are called.

I’m guessing that making a copy of a BOM is just that, “a copy”. All fields are copied from the original, instead of being recalculated based on the contents.

And it was more than 2 levels different, you might have to jump through hoops. Basicall need to do a weight roll-up (like Cost Roll-up)

Exactly, a copy is just that, “a copy”. There is nothing in the copy process to trigger a refresh. That’s what I’m asking. Can anyone give me an idea of what I could do to trigger a refresh. And whether or not it was a multi-level copy, the refresh process would refresh the current copy with the current weights on the part master. Thanks!

We don’t use that feature (rolled-up weight). How is it normally handled when making a new Rev? Do you have it initiate it, or does it just happen when it is saved?

Enable tracing (with only show changes), and change a part on a BOM to one with a different weight (or even just change the qty of the part). Then look at the Trace Log to see what BO and method changed the Part weight of the Parent part.