Parts stuck inside a job

How bout a container job to stock, link your problem job to that (job to job method)...

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311
Mobile: (715)896-0590
FAX: (715)284-4084
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From: [] On Behalf Of tchristie1
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Parts stuck inside a job

The situation arises when we have a final operation complete parts and the job has no valid job demand attached at the moment (one example was that the sales department deleted the link but failed to inform the planner so the planner could add a make to stock link, another example was a SO/L/R that was canceled leaving the linked job in limbo land). When the final operation attempts to move the parts into the appropriate WIP bin it seems to bomb out and leave the parts in WIP but does not place them into a warehouse or bin. I looked at the sql record in PartWIP and those fields are blank.

I cannot Job Receipt to Stock (it wants the PARTWIP location). I cannot ship the parts to a customer (again, wants the warehouse and bin). I tried reverse the final operation and repeating it after fixing the demand links. No dice.

Any suggestions on how to finish this out?

We are using 9.05.606 with Advance Material Management.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The situation arises when we have a final operation complete parts and the job has no valid job demand attached at the moment (one example was that the sales department deleted the link but failed to inform the planner so the planner could add a make to stock link, another example was a SO/L/R that was canceled leaving the linked job in limbo land). When the final operation attempts to move the parts into the appropriate WIP bin it seems to bomb out and leave the parts in WIP but does not place them into a warehouse or bin. I looked at the sql record in PartWIP and those fields are blank.

I cannot Job Receipt to Stock (it wants the PARTWIP location). I cannot ship the parts to a customer (again, wants the warehouse and bin). I tried reverse the final operation and repeating it after fixing the demand links. No dice.

Any suggestions on how to finish this out?

We are using 9.05.606 with Advance Material Management.

