Pass Parameter to BAQ and AutoRefresh


I am trying to find the most efficient way to pass a parameter into a BAQ when loading a customer. I need to replace the Ship To Open in the Customer Maintenance form with a query and retain all functionality the form currently has. As of right now it is bound to the ShipTo table and has tons of columns we want to trim down and is missing some we would like to add. We have created a query that has all the vital information the end users need.

I tried using a BAQDataView to display the data and it worked fine we just lose the ability to click on a ship to and have it display the data when we switch to the detail tab and any other tabs that link to the ShipTo.ShipToNum field. This is how it currently looks using original functionality:

When switching to a BAQDataView the left pane does not populate and link to what is currently being clicked and rightfully so. This list as well as the list and closed tabs auto populate and I would like to keep it the same way it is now without requiring a button click or filters. If this is something that cannot be done using the dynamic query adapter then that is fine and we will have to go through other means.

You just have to set the Row index on the original dataview to match that of your new dataview

I think I tried that and it wasn’t working. I will have to try it again as it might have been user error in all honesty.

Thank you