Paystub RE-Generation 9.05.701

Forgot to say this is on version 701.  Thanks for your help in advance. 

--- In, <ralmon@...> wrote:

Is there a simple way to regenerate an Employee Paystub? It seems like once you have posted the payroll transaction you can't go back and get the information.  So what happens if for whatever reason I need to re-print a paystub for an employee, and we didn't save a PDF of the Paychecks?  

Do I need to do a custom BAQ report or something along those lines?

Is there a simple way to regenerate an Employee Paystub? It seems like once you have posted the payroll transaction you can't go back and get the information.  So what happens if for whatever reason I need to re-print a paystub for an employee, and we didn't save a PDF of the Paychecks?  

Do I need to do a custom BAQ report or something along those lines?
