PC and APS and Allocations


We are on 9.05.603 and we use configurator withing configurators and MRP. I beleive this may be a version difference between 9.05 and anything less. We are able to get unfirm job details from the prod configs and configured sales kit components also.

I don't think we use much of APS even though we have it. The fact that MPP gets the unfirm job details is what you are looking for though.

One thing with our configurators, to force an engineering change through we do need to reconfigure the order line to pick up the new engineering details on the finished good level.

We don't use alloaction so I cannot answer you second question.

What version are you on?

Brad Boes

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> Are there any Product Configurator and Advanced Planning and
> Scheduling users out there? Two questions:
> Question 1: If I configure an Order, how does APS know about
> availability of the components if sales orders are not engineered like
> Quotes or Jobs? Does APS do a Get Details behind the scenes?
> Question 2: If APS does do a Get Details behind the scenes, can one
> allocate the materials to that order?
> Thanks!
> Mark W.
Are there any Product Configurator and Advanced Planning and
Scheduling users out there? Two questions:

Question 1: If I configure an Order, how does APS know about
availability of the components if sales orders are not engineered like
Quotes or Jobs? Does APS do a Get Details behind the scenes?

Question 2: If APS does do a Get Details behind the scenes, can one
allocate the materials to that order?


Mark W.