PCID Qty Error


Is anybody else using PCID, and seen an error like this before and have a way to resolve…?

  • For this Lot Number, only 100 were made (MFG-STK).
  • After 100 were picked to CS / CSP bin, it was noticed that 1 was damaged
  • I used PCID Build / Split / Merge to remove 100 back to HA / HA bin
  • Operator (MX7T3) then re-picked the 99 and shipped it

The error as you can see is that 199 were shipped (STK-CUS), which is incorrect. I can raise credit note etc to sort out the customer part, but I cannot resolve the Inventory issue.

The PCID does exist, I can view it:

It’s probably a support ticket and data fix, just wanted to see if anybody else had already experienced.

Many Thanks

Yeah, .300 was when PCID was really new. There are probably some issues you will find like this. Did you use fulfillment workbench to pick these?

And on the Package Control ID Maintenance, what items are listed?

It would have been allocated using FWB, and then picked on Handheld using the Material Queue.

It has the items listed, at the correct Qty of 99…

The system really got itself in a mess on this didn’t it! :grinning:

I cannot remember the process. Did you have to unpick the items before you did the split/merge?

I can’t recall - it was a couple of weeks ago, they only asked yesterday for help trying to correct the -100 qty on hand.

There is a quick fix that I tested on a test environment… update erp.partbin… set pcid =’’ where lotnum = ‘my_lot’… :grimacing: . Works beautifully.

I’ll see what support comes back with in way of a data fix.

Yeah, let them develop the fix based on your parameters. No telling what tables they work their magic in…

Probably not related to your issue here, but be careful with different UOM and PCID’s. It may be fixed now, but I know in an earlier version that receiving into a PCID with a non inventory UOM and then extracting would cause issues.
According to PRB0209922, this is fixed in 10.2.500

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Yes, I have a BPM in place (from .500) that ensures they were picking the Sales UOM. I haven’t removed it because it’s an extra check.