For this Lot Number, only 100 were made (MFG-STK).
After 100 were picked to CS / CSP bin, it was noticed that 1 was damaged
I used PCID Build / Split / Merge to remove 100 back to HA / HA bin
Operator (MX7T3) then re-picked the 99 and shipped it
The error as you can see is that 199 were shipped (STK-CUS), which is incorrect. I can raise credit note etc to sort out the customer part, but I cannot resolve the Inventory issue.
Probably not related to your issue here, but be careful with different UOM and PCID’s. It may be fixed now, but I know in an earlier version that receiving into a PCID with a non inventory UOM and then extracting would cause issues.
According to PRB0209922, this is fixed in 10.2.500